Don't panic! You may lose ALL your images if...
Jan 12, 2024Hey! Big news! Imagine you have awesome images on your computer. Well, some people recently had a big problem – they lost ALL their images! 😱
Even though they tried saving pics on different drives or using a special backup system called RAID, it didn't help! Two friends I know had this happen in the last 60 days.
One friend had a fancy Mac with many drives, and the other used a big RAID system on their PC. But guess what? ALL their pictures disappeared on their main drive and the other's first part of their RAID backup. Once the first drive looked "blank," it copied that emptiness to the 2nd drive and the backup RAID drive. ALL pics seemed gone when both systems tried to read their drives. This happened on both Mac and PC, with external drives and RAID systems, all in the last 60 days.
On the first friend's computer, the main drive with pics suddenly looked empty one day. It was like magic, but not the good kind. This "empty" look spread to the other drives when copied for back-up, and poof, all the pics were gone!
The second friend with the RAID system had a similar problem. This special backup system thought the drive was empty, and then it spread across the whole system like a blank canvas. Bye-bye, pics! 😢
So, the point is, even if you have lots of drives or a cool backup RAID system, your pics might still disappear. This all happened because of different problems like malware and operating systems issues communicating with drives during standard upgrades of their computers.
Watch out and maybe find another way to keep your awesome pics safe! See the graphic below and please connect with us if any questions or help you may need.
(Good, but not so good news for my two friends, both of them were able to recover their images off of these bad drive back-ups, at a very high cost. They now have a revised back-up system working great that we have set up for them. You can review it in the graphic below.)
In Back-Up option #1 - you have 2 external connected drives that back up to each other with "mirror" copy software on a pre-determined schedule. Next you add a Cloud "Back-up" service. Not a cloud syncing service, like iCloud, DropBox, and others similar. They do back up just back-up, but constantly sync. So if something is synced that malware attacked to look blank - it will sync and erase those files. A true Cloud Back-up service like BackBlaze, Carbonite and others that back up in a mirrored but also historical back-up versions, and on a very secured site is the suggested route.
In Back-Up option #2 - you have two external drives frequently connected to your computer and external drive #1 backs up to external drive #2. However, you will connect a 3rd drive that you will not keep connected to the computer except perhaps every 2 weeks you bring it in to back up. You keep this external drive #3 in a secure fireproof safe or off-site to protect your data. In this case, the most you could ever lose is 2 weeks of data.
We have implemented these type Cloud back-up and found BackBlaze to be the fastest back-up that can impact your computer's resources the least, meaning your computer will not start running very slow.
View the graphic below for a visual on options for you to set up and please feel free to connect with any questions or help you may need as you secure your image library. Always be sure to have at least 3 copies of your images at all times and use caution in setting up these systems if you do this on your own.
Don't trust multiple drives or RAID alone; get expert training to safeguard your images.
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